PowerTool's Features and Benefits

PowerTools is a PC-based desktop application for pick shift supervisors and warehouse managers to use that can replace manual processes happening alongside PickRight when picking orders. The PowerTools suite contains over a dozen desktop utilities that have been designed to bridge the gap between PickRight and ERP systems.


Picker Assignments

Assign specific customers to specific pickers, both one time and permanently.


Continuous Pick

Start the next UoW where the picker ended their last UoW. Reduce steps by 25%.

Quick Batch

Batch full case orders for picking pallets.

Wholesaler Batching

Automatically batch customer orders based on data provided in the import file.

Tote Limits

Start a new tote when weight or cube limits have been reached.  Allow estimated package count by route.

Remote Approvals

Remotely authorize Manual Scans and Out of Stocks for restricted employees.


Picker Status

Shows last or current Unit of Work and current status.

Picker Messages

Create predefined messages for pickers to send to supervisors.

Notification Users

Determine who is eligible for text message notifications.

Picker Activities

Track non-picking activities by employee such as time spent sweeping or making boxes.


PO Batching

Allows receivers to batch multiple POs for receiving.  Good tool for Dot Foods.


Truck Picking Sequence

Display trucks in dispatch sequence on picker wrist computers.

Order Redelivery

Allows a new Delivery Date, Route, and Stop to be entered for an order that has been returned.


Customer Expiration Dates

Adjust expiration dates for specific customers by item or Pick Area.

Customer Package Files

Creates supplemental package data similar to Advanced Ship Notification.


Item Allocation

Allocate available inventory among customer orders.

Alternate UPC Codes

Add multiple UPC codes to products.

Bin Analysis

Maximize pick line slotting efficiency with a modeling tool that shows visits to each pick location.

Host Restock

Pickers can send the host system an item restock request from PickRight.

Out of Stock by QOH

Items with “0” quantity on hand will be removed from all future UoW’s on the wearables.

Pre-Stamped Cigarettes

Direct pickers to a different pick bin for pre-stamped cigarette cartons.


Stamper Status

Shows current UoW by route and stop of stamped cartons and progress of current order.

TaxRight Productivity

Creates a pick area for cigarette stamping.  Data displays in PickRight reports and IncentRight.

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